Jumat, 20 Maret 2020

Klausa Adverbia

Klausa adverbia menunjukkan beberapa hubungan seperti waktu, sebab-akibat, perlawanan, dan kondisional.

Klausa adverbia dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek.

Dua klausa independen salah satunya dapat dibuat klausa adverbia dengan langkah sebagai berikut:
1. Anda harus memiliki dua klausa yang memiliki hubungan waktu, sebab-akibat, perlawanan, atau kondisi.

  • Jimmy couldn't swim.
  • He jumped off the pier.
Kedua kalimat ini memiliki hubungan perlawanan (contrast).

2. Tambahkan subordinate conjunction di awal klausa yang ingin Anda ubah menjadi dependent clause.
  • Although Jimmy couldn't swim,
  • He jumped off the pier.
3. Letakkan kedua klausa saling berdampingan. Pada umumnya, urutan penempatan klausa tidak begitu dipermasalahkan. Jika independent clause diletakkan di awal maka setelah independent clause harus diberi tanda koma kemudian diikuti oleh dependent clause.
  • Although Jimmy couldn't swim, he jumped off the pier.
Ketika independent clause muncul di bagian awal klausa, maka tidak perlu diberi tanda koma.
  • Jimmy jumped off the pier although he couldn't swim.
Klausa adverbia menggunakan beberapa subordinate conjunction untuk menghubungkan antara independent dan dependent clause, yaitu ;
  • Time : after, before, when, as, by the time, whenever, since, until, as soon as, once, as long as.
  • Cause and effect: because, since, now that, as, as long as, in as much as, so (that), in other that.
  • Contrast : although, even though, though, whereas, while.
  • Condition: if, unless, only if, whether or not, even if, providing (that), provided (that), in case, in the event (that).
  • After he took lessons, George could swim well.
  • George could swim well after he took lessons.
  • Because he couldn't swim, Billy drowned.
  • Billy drowned because he couldn't swim.
INGAT! Subordinate conjunction dalam clausa adverbia ini tidak dapat dihilangkan.


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