Rabu, 18 Maret 2020

Kata-kata Berikut Dapat Digunakan sebagai Kata Ganti Relatif: Whose, When, Where.

- whose merupakan kata ganti kepemilikan yang mengacu pada orang, hewan, atau benda. Whose dapat menjadi bagian dari subjek dan objek, namun tikda dapat secara utuh menjadi subjek atau objek. Whose tidak dapat dihilangkan.

  • The man is happy. + I found the man's wallet. = The man whose wallet I found is happy.
- when merupakan kata ganti waktu. When tidak dapat menjadi subjek. When dapat dihilangkan.
  • I will never forget the day. + I graduanted on that day. = I will never forget the day when I graduated.
  • I will never forget the day on which I graduated.
  • I will never forget the day that I graduated.
  • I will never forget the day I graduated.
- where merupakan kata ganti tempat. Where tidak dapat menjadi subjek. Where tidak dapat dihilangkan dan harus ditambahkan preposisi.
  • The building is new. + He works in the building. = The building where he works is new.
  • The building in which he works in new.
  • The building which he works in is new.
  • The building that he works in is new.
  • The building he works in is new.


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