Rabu, 19 Februari 2020

Penggunaan Be [4]

Untuk menyusun sebuah kalimat, kita memerlukan kata kerja, yatu verb atau be. Be meliputi am, is, are, was, were, dan be. Berikut formasi be dalam kalimat positif.

  • I am a student.
  • She is a student.
  • They are students.
  • I was a student.
  • They were students.
  • He will be here.
Bahasa Inggris merupakan sebuah bahasa yang sederhana, ringkas, atau padat. Sehingga, Bahasa Inggris memiliki kata yang disusun secara ringkas. Bentuk tersebut antara lain:
  • I am → I'm
  • You are → You're
  • She is → She's
  • He is → He's
  • It is → It's
  • They are → They're
  • We are → We're
Be dapat digunakan dalam kalimat negatif.
  • I am not a student.
  •  She is not a student.
  • They are not students.
  • I was not a student.
  • They were not students.
  • He will not be here.
Bentuk ringkas be dapat muncul dalam kalimat negatif dengan susunan sebagai berikut:
  • I am not→ I'm not→ I'm not
  • You are not→ You're not→ You aren't
  • She is not→ She's not→ She isn't
  • He is not→ He's not→ He isn't
  • It is not→It's not→ It isn't
  • We are not→ We're not→ We aren't
  • They are not→ They're not→ They aren't
Be dalam kalimat tanya sederhana
Kita dapat membuat kalimat yes/no questions yang sederhana dengan menggabungkan subjek dan kata kerja be.
  • Am I stupid? - Yes, you are.
  • Is your sister taller than you? - Yes, she is.
  • Were they here? - No, they were not.
Be dalam kalimat tanya progresif.
  • Am I disturbing you? - No, you're not.
  • Is it training there? - Yes, it is.
  • Were you driving home this weekend? - Yes, I was.
Be eksistensial dan Linking Be
Be dapat dihubungkan dengan kata kerja lain.
  • The kids are playing football at the back yard.
  • Gwen will be arriving this afternoon.
  • The horse is running there.
Be untuk menjawab pertanyaan Who
  • Who is going to the zoo with me? - I am.
  • Who is responsible for this mistake? - He is.
  • Who is sending the package? - She is.


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