Sabtu, 18 Januari 2020

Object (Objek)

Object (Objek) merupakan salah satu unsur pembangun kalimat yang memiliki fungsi sintaktik yang selalu berada di belakang kata kerja transitif (kata kerja yang membutuhkan objek).

Objek dapat diisi oleh kata benda, frase kata bensa, kata ganti, gerund, frase gerund, infinitif, frase infinitif, klausa kata benda.

1. Noun (Kata Benda) sebagai Objek

  • I read books.
  • Horses eat grass.
  • She drinks juice.
2. Noun Phrase (Frase Kata Benda) sebagai Objek
  • She can answer some difficult questions.
  • The kid is drinking chocolate milk.
  • I bought new magazines.
3. Pronoun (Kata Ganti) sebagai Objek
  • I like him very much.
  • He let them go.
4. Gerund sebagai Objek
  • Brodie loves swimming
  • Every woman likes shopping.
  • You need eating.
5. Gerund Phrase (Frase Gerund) sebagai Objek
  • We love eating in the restaurant.
  • I postponed watching the match.
  • She talked making cup cakes.
6. Infinitive (Infinitif) sebagai Objek
  • It began to rain.
  • The students started to study.
  • I want to go.
7. Infinitive Phrase (Frase Infinitif) sebagai Objek
  • I decided to go home.
  • They are planning to buy some English books.
  • My brother would like to spend his time in Bali.
8. Noun Clause (Klausa Kata Benda) sebagai Objek
  • I really don't know what you said.
  • Do you know whether she is nice or not.
  • Everybody wonders whose child this is.


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