Minggu, 19 Januari 2020

Complement (Pelengkap)

Complement (Pelengkap) merupakan unsur pembangun kalimat yang terletak di belakang predikat. Predikat tersebut harus dalam bentuk be (is, are, am, was, were, be). Pelengkap tersebut dapat diisi oleh beberapa unsur seperti noun, noun phrase, adjective, adjective phrase, gerund, gerund phrase, to infinitive, to infinitive phrase, clause.

Pengisi Complement (Pelengkap)
Noun (kata benda) sebagai pelengkap
- The girl in red cloth is Iryanti.
- Who arrested the criminal last night is policeman.
- My favorite food is pizza.

Noun phrase (frase kata benda) sebagai pelengkap
- I am a clever student.
- He was a great soldier.
- She is an Engineer.

Adjective (kata sifat) sebagai pelengkap
- She was fine.
- The man is nice.
- They are tired.

Adjective Phrase (frase kata sifat) sebagai pelengkap
- The princess is so beautiful.
- Lois is not only kind but also smart.
- The man at the bus station is Mr. Douglas with gorgeous shirt.

Gerund (V-ing) sebagai pelengkap
- What I like to do is eating.
- My hobby is reading.
- What they want to do is sleeping.

Gerund Phrase (frase V-ing) sebagai pelengkap
- His big problem is not having a lot money for school.
- What we really hope is attending Helen's party.
- My activity is writing a book.

To infinitive (to V1) sebagai pelengkap
- The most boring activity is to wait.
- What he wants to do is to study.
- What we really like is to sing.

To infinitive phrase (frase to V1) sebagai pelengkap
- The next job to collect some data.
- What she likes to do is to create a new design.
- The best thing for me is to get number one.

Clause (klausa) sebagai pelengkap
- My problem is when you come late in the meeting.
- Her favorite food is what her mother makes for her.
- This is what we have expected before.


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