Rabu, 25 Desember 2019

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Modul Level 0 Bagian A - Animals (Binatang)

1.        C _ _ (kucing)
2.        _ _ _ N (singa)
3.        W _ _ L _ (paus)
4.        _ O _ K _ Y (monyet)
5.        _ _ _ E _ (macan)
6.        E _ _ _ _ (elang)
7.        _ _ A _ _ (hiu)
8.        S _ U _ _ _ E L (tupai)
9.        _ H _ _ O _ E _ O _ (badak)
10.    _ _ A G _ N _ _ Y (capung)
1.        My sister has (burung dara).
2.        A _____________ (singa) is the king of jungle.
3.        An ___________________(burung hantu) is active at night.
4.        An _________________________(gajah) has big body.
5.        I like to eat _______________(ikan).
6.        A ________________(jerapah) has long neck.

C.         Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!
Amel : do you have a pet?
Fia: yes, I have a _______________
a.         cow
b.        rabbit
c.         horse
My uncle rides a ______________ in Egypt.
a.         camel
b.        goat
c.         sheep
Niko : what does your mother breed?
Lia: my mother breeds ______________
a.         duck
b.        hen
c.         horse
A ________________ produces milk.
a.         sheep
b.         dog
c.          cow

A ______________ has beautiful teather.
a.         peacock
b.        burd of paradise
c.         cow
A ________________ lives in China.
a.         koala
b.        komodo dragon
c.         panda
A _____________likes to eat honey.
a.         rabbit
b.        kangaroo
c.         bear
A _________________is a tame animal.
a.         pig
b.        hypothalamus
c.         bison
I have a monkey. The monkey is funny. It has long tail. Its fur is brown. It eats banana. It can climb trees.
What is the text about?
a.         lion
b.        Monkey
c.         rhino
What does the monkey eat?
a.         grape
b.        carrot
c.         banana
What is the color its fur?
a.         brown
b.        white
c.         pink
What can the monkey do?
The monkey can ……….
a.         swim
b.        climb
c.         fly


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