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Sabtu, 28 Desember 2019

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Modul Level 0 Bagian A - Numbers (Angka)

1)               25                    ______________________________________________________________
2)               36                    ______________________________________________________________
3)               48                    ______________________________________________________________
4)               150                  ______________________________________________________________
5)               255                  ______________________________________________________________
6)               369                  ______________________________________________________________
7)               1.500               ______________________________________________________________
8)               2.360               ______________________________________________________________
9)               1.000               ______________________________________________________________
10)           25.698             ______________________________________________________________
1)               Fifteen =
2)               Fifty =
3)               Five hundred fifty five =
4)               Three thousand five hundred thirty two =
5)               Nine hundred forty eight =
6)               A thousand and one hundred twenty seven =
7)               Two hundred seven thousand three hundred and eighty six =
8)               Nine hundred thousand =
9)               Seven million four hundred forty four thousand a hundred and twenty nine =
10)           Thirty eight million three hundred ninety nine thousand seven hundred and fifty three =

C.         Pilihlah atau isi dengan jawaban yang benar!
One, _____________, three, four, five, ___________, seven, eight.
The number after eighteen is ….
a.         Seventeen
b.        Nineteen
c.         Twenty one
d.        Twenty
Twelve in Indonesia is ….
a.         Sebelas
b.        Dua belas
c.         Tiga belas
Dua puluh in English is ….
a.         Twelve
b.        Two
c.         Twenty
What number before twenty nine?
a.         Twenty six
b.        Twenty seven
c.         Twenty Eight
t - e - n - o - w - t - y - e - n
The correct word is ….
a.         Twenty two
b.        Thirty one
c.         Twenty one
d.        Thirty nine
Jeni : “what number is it?”
Ahmad : “Is it number ….”
a.         Twenty one
b.        Twenty six
c.         Twenty three
Rudi: “What number is it?”
Santi : “It is number ….”

Forty nine in Indonesian is ….
a.         Empat sembilan
b.        Empat puluh sembilan
c.         Sembilan belas
d.        Empat puluh sembilan
What number is it after forty six?
a.         Forty nine
b.        Forty eight
c.         Forty seven
d.        Forty five
Ini adalah angka dua puluh tujuh.
The English sentence is ….
a.         This is number seventeen
b.        This is number seventy
c.         This is number twenty six
d.        This is number twenty seven
Ini adalah angka lima belas.
The English sentence is ….
a.         This is number seventeen
b.        This is number forty five
c.         This is number fifteen
d.        This is number fifty
Complete the dialogue!
What number is it?
a.         twenty eight
b.        three seven
c.         thirty seven
d.        seventy three

What number is it?
a.         twenty eight
b.        eighty two
c.         two eight
d.        twenty nine
Ten multiplied by five (10 x 5) is ….
a.         Five
b.        Fifteen
c.         Fifty
d.        Fifty five
Ten thousand and five hundred rupiah = ….
a.         Rp. 10.000
b.        Rp. 10.500
c.         Rp. 9.500
d.        Rp. 10.050
Seven thousand and five hundred = ….
a.         750
b.        75000
c.         7500
d.        75
1  2  …. 4
a.         three
b.        two
c.         one

5 That number is ….
a.         five
b.        six
c.         seven
My phone number is two - four - six - eight - one - eight.
a.         186724
b.        256474
c.         246818
The number before twenty is ….
Tiga puluh lima in English is ….
The number before seventeen is ….
The number after twenty nine is ….

D.        Cocokan angka-angka di bawah ini!
l  one
l  two
l  three
l  five
l  six
l  ten
l  nine
l  seven
l  eight
l  four